Holy lack of posting, Batman! My last post was on 11.03.2010. Wow. I suppose this is what happens when life gets in the way. I finally managed to get around to dyeing more fabric. This time it's for the
Heaven and Earth Designs message board Storykeep SAL. I chose the Treasures SK for my part in the SAL. I have to post at least 3 pictures in my relevant SAL group before January 7th, I will be sent the other three charts towards the end of January. I can't wait to get started on it! :)
Here is the fabric that I dyed. I wanted something other than white, as there are a LOT of stitches of just white for the background. I am seriously contemplating ditching all of that white, because there is about 2-3,000 stitches of just plain white. Ugh. NOT looking forward to that at all! So, I decided that instead of stitching white on white, I would stitch it on a turquoise colored fabric and this is what I came up with:

I think it came out great. I wish I had had some opalescent to dye, but then again, it may not have come out this color. Ah, well. More's the pity, eh?
Well, I need to get going. Lots more to post on my
main blog .
Thanks for stopping by! :)
Respectfully submitted,